West Area Panel Actions from Previous Meeting

Description of issue


Correction of Previous Minutes                                                                          

 Add Muriel Briault and Alison Gray to the representatives. Check spelling of Anne Packham. Add Anne Pissaridou to apologies. 

Minutes updated

Ododo to investigate the report conducted into MEARS and the report that came to housing committee.

Update provided at meeting

Role of resident inspectors     Housing officer to give brief update on resident inspectors and their extension of their roles and work. To be included in next minutes.

Update provided at meeting

Amend Minutes of September meeting to clarify point below

An officer gave the following responses to resident’s and leaseholder’s enquiries concerns and statements: · It was stated that the EDB came in April however although Mears had carried out the bid however the bid didn’t provide further specifics. · It was clarified that Mears had not been involved in the bidding process this year due to Covid. · An officer stated that an effort to schedule service improvement group meetings was underway.

Minutes updated

Chute-room doors Housing officer to clarify whether there has been any arrangements with MEARS to take responsibility to any costs incurred in delayed works the damage of the chute-room doors.

Update provided at meeting

Planting Day Alison to arrange planting day when Covid Restrictions allow. And Beth to put Alison in touch with Good Gym


Communal aerials A resident requested clarification on whether any other aerial providers have managed to solve the compatibility issues and enable changing the supplier.

Response included in minutes (5.16)

Allocation of Surplus EDB Funds Clarification requested on whether the surplus West Area unspent fund are going back into the general pot. Community Engagement Team to provide this clarification.

Response included in minutes (5.19)

EDB Publicity - A resident would like a clear criteria of which EDB works would be charged to leaseholders and which would not.

Response included in minutes (5.22)

CE Team to confirm date of feedback to T&L paper

Complete – Update in minutes

CE team to send Powerpoint slides of Tenant and Leaseholder Strategy


Hannah to take feedback back to Sam


EDB Update    

  -       Keith to update Muriel on the shed    

 -       CE Team to provide information on when the next panel is 

-       Keith to provide estimated completion dates or clear time scales and to provide in next minutes

Update provided at meeting